Chap #4 Abandoned | Jackie L. Mustoe

Chap #4 Abandoned | Jackie L. Mustoe

Chap #4 Abandoned | Jackie L. Mustoe | Cots World Tales It was still a few miles back to her den and normally she would have done the journey in a couple of hours, but now, as the weather was so atrocious, it would take a lot longer. It was now half past eight, and … Read more

The Wood at Night in Extremely Bad Weather

The Wood at Night in Extremely Bad Weather

The Wood at Night in Extremely Bad Weather Outside, the weather was getting extremely bad. The snow was falling so thick and fast you couldn’t see a yard in front of you. There was nothing left untouched by the icy hands of Jack Frost. It was getting deeper by the minute. Sophie’s father had been … Read more

Home Again | Captain Prepared the Two Boats

Home Again | Captain Prepared the Two Boats

Home Again| Captain Prepared the Two Boats The Captain prepared the two boats. He made his passenger Captain of one and took command of the other himself. At about midnight, they came to the ship. When they came within calling distance of her, he made Robins call out that he had found the first boatload. … Read more

The Attack Story | Short Story

The Attack Story | Short Story

The Attack Story | Short Story We made preparations to collect and pack all we would need for the voyage all the provisions to Friday’s country. One day, while I was busy with these tasks Friday, came running to me. He had seen three canoes land on the beach. “They come for Friday,” he cried. … Read more

We Make Plans for Traveling

We Make Plans for Traveling

We Make Plans for Traveling Soon Friday could speak well enough to tell me about his people and his country. He had been to my island before and knew all about the sea current around it. He told me, there were bearded white men like me, who lived to the west of his country. My … Read more

Important Facts about Cannibals

Important Facts about Cannibals My feelings of loneliness began to grow. More than ever before, I longed to have someone to talk to. A few months passed after my frightening experience. Then one day the sight of a ship on the rocks raised my hopes of a rescue. But when I rowed out to the … Read more

Danger Signals

Danger Signals

Danger Signals Then something very strange happened. One day I was going along the shore toward my boat when I saw a man’s footprint in the sand. I stood there too surprised to move. I listened; I looked all around me, but could not hear or see anything. I went up a hill to look … Read more

Top 38 Visual Basic Shortcut Keys You Need To Know

Top 38 Visual Basic Shortcut Keys You Need To Know

38 Visual Basic Shortcut Keys MCQs You Need To Know Visual Basic is a programming language designed for creating Windows-based applications. It is a visual programming language that allows designers to create their own Windows programs without having to write code. Visual Basic includes a set of controls that can be placed on a form, … Read more

I Take a Voyage on my Boat

I Take a Voyage on my Boat

I Take a Voyage on my Boat For five years nothing very exciting happened to me. I just continued as before, growing my corn, hunting for food, and reading my Bible. During this time, I made a smaller boat. I had to dig a waterway six feet wide and four feet deep to get to … Read more

I Make a Boat with My Experience

I Make a Boat with My Experience

I Make a Boat with My Experience My thoughts often turned to the land, which I had seen, from the other side of the island. I secretly wished I were on shore there. If people lived there, I felt sure that I would find some way of getting home. However, I quite forgot the dangers … Read more